Canary Seed

Canary Seed (Phalaris Canariensis) is an annual spring sown cereal grown predominantly in North America. It is imported extensively to Europe and the UK for use in the birdseed market. However, it is a simple and profitable crop to grow in the UK and can easily displace imported material.
Requiring only 50kg N (at index 0), and similar P&K to spring cereals, Canary Seed combines high crop values and low growing costs to produce margins better than most other spring crops.
With a short growing season (drilled mid-march to late April / harvested by direct combining in late August), the grower will see benefits in their following wheat crop. Many growers choose to follow with a first wheat, as Canary Seed offers a Take All break. Due to quick and competitive establishment, a thick ground cover is developed early on, making it highly competitive against blackgrass.
Call us on 02392 632883 for the latest contracts available.
- Produce of an area contract – no fixed yield requirement
- Transparent fixed and minimum price terms provide transparency and low risk
- Network of stores to dry, clean or store on growers’ behalf
- Harvest movement available