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Experts in added value

• Farmers diversify crop rotations, spread risk and earn premiums above market

• Our economy of scale allows us to provide quality logistical services at discount rates

• Processors can procure produce with niche, specific characteristics

Cefetra Group

Corporate backing

We are a division of Cefetra Ltd, members of Cefetra Group and BayWa.

This combines our unique offer to farmers with the financial strength of one of the largest farm supply organisations in the world.

Environmental and commercial sustainability

Cefetra ecovadis 2023

We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of agriculture, by commissioning studies and trials into carbon emissions within cropping, promoting the use of low chemical input crops and constantly searching for ways to reduce emissions within our logistical operations. Everyone has a role to play in preserving nature.


Our crops and varieties have been specifically selected due to their suitability for UK growing conditions and commercial viability. We inspire financial confidence in minor crops by negotiating fair and lucrative contracts on behalf of our customers to ensure they earn additional profit consistently in the long-term, year on year.

Premium Crops

Premium Crops are the UK’s largest specialist arable merchant. We sell seed, provide purchase contracts and offer a range of agronomical and logistical services alongside.

Tel: 02392 632883

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