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Premium Crops Guide to Cereals 2023

Cereals 2023

Image courtesy of Cereals

Premium Crops are once again Registration Sponsors and would like to take this opportunity to walk you through our curated selection of the best we have to offer at Cereals 2023.


We have many free giveaways and free activities for you so make sure you read to the end!


Launched in 1979, Cereals is the largest arable event of its kind in the UK. The show has taken many different shapes and sizes in this time and this year takes place at a brand-new location, Thoresby Estate, Nottinghamshire.


Tickets are available now, click here.

The next 100 subscribers to the Premium Crops Newsletter will reiceve a full ticket for FREE!


National champions of niche cropping, Premium Crops are the UK’s largest specialist arable seed merchants. We supply seed, purchase contracts, and provide a range of agronomical and logistical services.

Cefetra Ltd, Premium Crops parent company, will be on the adjacent stand (stand number 304) and will be pleased to see existing and potential customers to discuss grain marketing strategies and contract offerings. The volatility of the grain markets and the changes in consumer demands mean that it is now more important than ever to be working closely with a strong grain marketing business. We have national coverage with a local presence in offices covering all regions and as well as strong partnerships with most domestic consumers, we also export significant volumes, in partnership with our sister companies across Europe.

Premium Crops Cereals 2022

Premium Crops can be located at stand number 302.


Click here to see a video from Cereals 2022, where Managing Director Andrew Probert spells out Premium Crops’ business model.



Newly introduced cover crop packages at a discount alongside our traditional contracts are this year's star attraction. Cover crops have seen immense success as a sustainable and holistic means to increasing crop performance and soil health, and continue to rise in popularity amongst farmers seeking fewer chemical solutions.

A demonstration plot has been sown onstand, to offer farmers a chance to inspect the mix directly.



Farmers will gaze upon our many other cropping plots also, including:

Premium Crops Cropping Plots Cereals 2023


On the afternoon of Day One, 13th June, there will be a onsite fundraiser for the Multiple System Atrophy Trust (MSAT) in Sarah’s Wood with a band, burgers, beer and raffles. Premium Crops have donated an all-inclusive weekend trip away, with lot’s of other exciting prizes available too. Masses of fun to be had, all for a good cause!


We are hosting a spot the BASIS Knowledge Trail once again – where those applicable will answer a short, relevant questionnaire on niche crops and be rewarded with a stamp, which can be cashed in at the BASIS stand in exchange for points.


New this year is Dirt & Discovery, a collaboration between the National Farmers Union and Cereals. Secondary school students will be invited to attend classes hosted by Premium Crops and others to learn first hand the experience of commercial agriculture.

Dirt Discovery Exh Version cereals 2023

With this much to offer, there is something for everyone at the Premium Crops stand at Cereals 2023.





Premium Crops

Premium Crops are the UK’s largest specialist arable merchant. We sell seed, provide purchase contracts and offer a range of agronomical and logistical services alongside.

Tel: 02392 632883

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